Welcome to Camp Rise and Shine

Welcome to Camp Rise and Shine


Welcome to Camp Rise and Shine, where you’ll experience an exciting, fun-filled time of camping in God’s wonderful outdoors! Enjoy crafts, skits, great food, Bible lessons, games, nature walks and more!

We believe that the Christian camp experience offers an array of teachable moments:

  1. The Camp Setting. “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands” Psalm 19:1. God reveals truths about Himself through His creation.
  2. Relationship Building. Camp provides an opportunity to spend unbroken days together with Christian friends and mentors. Camp is learning and sharing together in a group setting.
  3. New Experiences. Camp replaces everyday sameness with new experiences. New games and challenges, role models, music, Bible study, personal reflection, encounters with God, and new friends all add to the memories!
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